17 Jan 2021 It is for professional ensembles and artists as well as for amateur and youth ensembles. As a rule, it takes the form of a travel grant.


SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS 2020 City of Gothenburg Culture Grant 2019 The Swedish Arts Grants Committeé working grant, 1 year 2017 Travel Grant from 

Grants for Artists Grants for Organizations STEP Beyond Travel Grants. STEP Travel grants (European Cultural Foundation) fund artists and cultural workers - with a priority to individuals up to 35 years and/or in the first 10 years of their career - to travel between EU and countries bordering the EU (ongoing deadline). The U.S. Small Business Administration has officially opened the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant (SVOG) application portal for operators of live venues, live performing arts organizations, museums and movie theatres, as well as live venue promoters, theatrical producers and talent representatives to apply for critical economic relief. This program, funded by the NC Arts Council, provides the opportunity for regional consortia of local arts councils to award project grants to artists in their regions. These grants support professional artists in any discipline and at any stage in their careers to pursue projects that further their professional development.

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Garage awards grants to artists working in a wide range of media, including video art, Travel grant program open call for international curators to visit the 2nd  Beginning January 2021, the Artist Access Program will resume accepting applications for in-person professional development opportunities that involve travel  The Icelandic Art Center awards travel grants to Icelandic or Iceland based visual artists. Mobility grants are for travel, accommodation and related costs. allowances. A brief description of the grants available to artists within the area of dance. International Cultural Exchange and Travel Grants.

They have selected resources specifically geared to visual artists, such as painters, sculptors and photographers. View the Grantspace website here. SPACE run a variety of initiatives designed to support and promote artists, including funded residencies, bursaries and free professional development programmes for artists.

will offer collaboration grants for artists and arts managers from Asia and Europe to jointly create new works or texts. Artist Grant.

Travel grants for artists

The Travel component of Arts Across Canada funds activities linked to Canadian presentation, exhibition, artistic collaboration, networking and building market 

STEP Beyond Travel grants support the mobility of emerging artists and cultural workers – between EU and neighbouring countries – in cross-border projects. The application deadline for Step Beyond travel grants is 60 days prior departure. Expires: April 1, 2020 grants and funding, international, travel A grant-making, artist-advocacy organization funded by foundations and private donors and dedicated to supporting America’s finest artists in all career stages, working across diverse disciplines. Its USA Fellows program awards unrestricted $50,000 grants to 50 artists each year. The Professional Artists’ Travel Fund (PATF) is available to Individual Professional Artists, Collaborations of Individual Professional Artists, and Professional Arts Groups. This program supports travel costs for artists or groups that have been invited to take part in unexpected activities that will enhance their careers. 6 Emergency Grants for Artists Impacted During the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Grants. 2020-21 The Swedish Arts Grants Committees Grant, 2-years. France; Artistic Research Grant (KFoU), The Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, Alice Kimball English Traveling Fellowship,Yale University, New Haven, CT  Svenska Institutet travel grant '04. STIM work grant '00, '03, '05, '12. Konstnärsnämnden – the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, work grant '01, '02, '04, '07, '19. Frame awards grants to promote and support Finnish visual arts in the following fields of contemporary art: fine art, photographic art, media art, art handicraft, comics art, performance art, and sound art.
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Violette Bule was selected among more than 50  Individuals · Dissemination and promotion · Professional development · Research, creation, exploration and production · Studios and studio-apartments · Travel  Grant programs that primarily support travel have been suspended with any Barbara Mah, Arts Development Consultant - Theatre and Performance Arts. Should a grantee be unable to travel for any reason, options regarding grant funds are subject to federal guidance from the National Endowment for the Arts.

2018 Athens Photo  2016 Artists as Independent Publishers – Bremen, London, Wien, Bergen, Stockholm 2012 Travel grant, Kavallastipendium, Svenska Fotografers Förbund Made in Brooklyn: Artists, Hipsters, Makers, Gentrifiers (2018) Marian Goodman Travel Grant, Art History, Graduate Center CUNY (2016) Friends of Art Award,  aims to promote artistic purposes - preferably in painting, sculpture, graphics and the like.
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C.L. Kinmanssons travel grant, The Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts. 2011. Norwegian Artists Foundation, project grant. Arts Council Norway, project Grant.

Pärnu Artist House, Pärnu, EE Culture Factory Polymer, Tallinn, EE 2012. Survival Kit, Sigulda, LV GRANTS TAIKE / Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Travel grant  2018 Travel grant from Konstnärsnämnden (The Swedish Arts Grants Committee). 2018 Gomma Grant 2017, shortlisted photographer for "Across the Bridge". Selected grants. 2018 Estrid Ericssons Stiftelse.

2014 The Swedish Arts Grants Committe Travel Grant FILM. 2013 AIR Sörmland. 2012 Stockholm City Studio Grant 2012-2014. 2010 Artists Working Grant The 

Architectschool Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Resources poststudies. 2003 IASPIS travel grant exhibition and work in Chiangmai Thailand. 2003. I have an MFA in Photography from Valand Academy of Fine Arts and also an education in 2020 Travel grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.

Founded in 2017, Artist Grant is a new venture that aims to support and fund artists. To that end, this charitable organization funds the efforts of artists to continue their important work and contributions to society,providing a modest competitive grant of $500 to one artist every quarter. The grant is intended for travel and accommodation costs up to €1,000 and the funding decision is made within two weeks from the application. Run by the Finnish Cultural and Research Institutes, the platform hopes to generate more cultural and academic exchange opportunities between Finland and the following countries and regions (in both directions): This section builds on the researches we have been undertaking with our associated partners; it is still a work in progress that we plan to update on a regular basis. We’ll do our best to increase the amount of information included herein – and of course we count on your suggestions to include more relevant sources!.